Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mm Mm Free!

Yesterday was the Grand Opening for the new student run Quiznos in Sterling. All of the students and faculty were invited for a free meal throughout the day. The line was out in the parking lot everytime I went by but a group of people in the art dept decided to go about 2:30 so I tagged along. I indulged in a free Classic Italian sub, which strangely, was not prepared by any of the students.
I spent the rest of the day, 7 hours or so, tackling my latest graphic design project. It is really weird to have to design something with only 3 colors: black/white/gold, and have it not turn out looking like it came out of a Dick Tracy cartoon.
Oh, gosh the ugly thing to the right is one my still lifes from Painting class. I figured, I should put one up since everyone wants to see them so much. Yes, it really was an ugly pink bowl.

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