Sunday, April 5, 2009

It came from KS...

Actually as hard as the wind was blowing yesterday this specimen could have come from anywhere. I was out shooting the baseball game, and this scary spiney bush blew in and got stuck on the bleachers. I hope to never visit where something like this grows, and if I do I hope I have some good boots on. The wind was terrible, it kept blowing off the pitchers hats when they threw the ball, but it was at least blowing the proper direction to assure over the wall home runs...just not for our team. I dug dirt out of my ears on the drive back home and even after I scrubbed with the wash rag I could still get some out; there is probably some floating around my brain it was so windy.
On a more normal note I'm happy to get to go home again this coming weekend, and I hope the weather holds out so I can go play kickball with some friends. Two weeks of Sterling College left to go.

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