I'd like to say it has been a slow week but it has not really been. Probably because Spring Break begins this Friday is why time is "slowing".
In Painting we are doing a full blown abstract piece; you could not have found a happier class of people when they were told they could throw paint randomly on a board. Our teacher encouraged students to use a giant brush and their palette knives or other objects to create their paintings. It is certainly a nice break from the continuous still life works.We have also started a new project in Graphic Design class: the Matchbox holder. It is one thing to have to create a design for a flat purpose, another for the menu.. but this, is a Challenge! We have to design something that actually folds up into a display box to hold objects. We each selected our package designs out of a monster book of cut-outs the Professor has. I think I spent about 30 minutes trying to figure out how to put mine together to determine what folds which way and where and which sections will the graphics appear on. It is by far the most difficult thing I have had to do.
(The photo is from a softball double header yesterday, they beat the other team so bad they ended up mercy ruling both games!)
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