Today was the first official..."Brrr I can't feel my ears anymore" soccer practice. After that frigid practice I decided to make myself some piping hot mushroom soup. While standing by the kitchen window I heard a firetruck siren coming closer & closer. The couple months that I've been here now it was actually the first time to hear them! My curiosity won over as it came closer, and I could see the lights flashing as it went down the street behind my house. I stepped out the back door like any normal nosey person would to see if I could tell where they stopped, and look for a plume of smoke or any suggestions from sky. Now that I was outside I could hear there was more than just one truck bustling around! Something is going on!! Eventually cold and unable to see the action I retreated back to the kitchen. No sooner than I had grabbed my soup the sirens started up again, and this time the truck stopped right in front of my house!
Being from the city, when something unusual like this happens it's likely to invoke a state of panic among us suburbanites. I ran to the front and cautiously peered out through the screen door. Outside the house was the giant yellow bucket truck from the fire dept. But, there were no suited up firefighters emerging from the truck. ..Kids.. were running from their houses to climb on and catch a ride on the stationary truck. I stood there and watched utterly dumbfounded! When everyone had their places, the firetruck rolled off down the street siren wailing, with kids grinning ear to ear, waving to family, and everyone who had come outside to see. Still in a bit of a stupor I stepped out to check the mailbox, and another truck came rolling down the street with kids waving. It took a couple seconds to snap out of it, but I soon was returning an equally big wave and smile to the kids on the trucks.
I intended to go out and ask what the occasion was when the truck returned, but it didn't. I sat in the living room with the door open listening to sirens moving around town the town until while doing homework until about 9PM when the sirens subsided.
Welcome to small town USA I guess!
A goofy afterthought:
Now I know why you only see old people in small towns like this. The kids are whisked away to never never land, only to return when they are older...
Interesting Evening!